Features of ElBierro

Which features are already implemented into ElBierro? This post has always up-to-date info!
Features of ElBierro

I try to keep this list always up to date with links to the features documentation posts.

You can request features as ElBierro supporters on Discord. How this works, you can find out in the post How does ElBierro work?. You also can see on the Roadmap which features are already planned. You even can influence the order when supporting ElBierro!

Feature list

Click on a name to show details about that feature.

Naturally a bot needs the ability to serve commands for your chat. The commands system of ElBierro allows you to create simple commands and also has some special commands, like managing links for your collab streams.

Reward your viewers for their activity in chat and for their support in your channel. Create the base for fun games and giveaways!

Points System
Giveaways - for free, with Twitch Channel Points or by buying tickets with the ElBierro Points System!

With the help of bets your users can multiply their stash of points - or lose them all. Let your users bet on things! :-)
This module also can run predefined predictions on Twitch. You can start and control these even by chat commands, which makes it possible, to control them with a Stream Deck or Touch Portal.

Bets System
Polls you do on a regular basis in your chat can be saved in ElBierro and started with one click.
You also can control (like starting) polls via commands, also via whisper to the bot. This way you also can start and control polls with your Touch Portal or Stream Deck.

"The Grid" is a giveaway tool, which you can display on stream. It is a 10x10 doors game where you can hide your defined prizes behind them. Your winner will choose in chat which door to open and win the revealed prize.

The Grid
ElBierro can transfer automatically your Twitch Channel Points to a channel points bot system of your choice. This is set up manaully by me at the moment. Just contact me on Discord.

Channel Points Transfer
ElBierro has special features for Stream Raiders-Captains.
  • Run Boonpolls with one click
  • Funnel rewards to your viewers
  • Show the current battle status with a command
  • Skinathon helper tools
Stream Raiders
ElBierro has special features for streamers running PokemonCommunityGame.
  • Display stats about spawning Pokemon
  • Remind chat to throw their Timer Ball
  • Remind chat to chat for Pokedollars
  • Remind users to Wondertrade
  • Show which Pokemon did last spawn
  • Show when a certain pokemon did last spawn
  • Commands to get certain details to given Pokemon

Work in Progress: Chat Commands, Alerts, If-This-Than-That, Giveaways, Votes