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Points system / Loyality

Top Task Credits
#6 Heist
Bierr Talk controlled heists for points
0 / 120
#7 !gamble
Enable gambling with points.
1 / 30
#8 Add missing features
In the leaderboard some functionality is missing
0 / 120
#9 Convert Twitch Channel Points to ElBierro Points
Offer possibility to create Twitch Channel Points rewards via ElBierro which will credit ElBierro points system credits to the viewer.
0 / 120
#12 Block users
Possibility to block users from gaining points. Mainly to not have bots in the top ranks.
0 / 45
#18 Import Streamlabs points
Import points from Streamlabs to a ElBierro currency
1 / 150
#36 !top commands
Commands which will list the users with the most points in the chat.
0 / 120
#37 Transaction statement
In the background, the points system is already logging each transaction, like on a bank statement. You should be able to view those statements.
0 / 120